Driggs Reed Memorial Airport

Driggs, Idaho, United States

Noise Abatement Information - Last update 03/21/2023



All Runways  |  All Aircraft Categories  |  Arrival & Departure

Avoid flight operations between 2200 and 0700 local.
Please observe this curfew unless an emergency exists.

Aircraft with a Gross Takeoff Operating Weight in excess of 12,500 pounds should not be operated before 7:00 AM.


All Runways  |  All Aircraft Categories  |  Arrival Only

Avoid flight operations between 2200 and 0700 local.

Right Traffic Pattern Runway 22

SOUTHWEST over Pine Creek Pass, remain west of Highway 33. Remain west of Driggs and Victor and all neighborhoods that are east of Highway 33. Remain at or above 2000 feet AGL as long as practical before descending to pattern altitude.

SOUTHEAST over Teton Pass, follow Highway 33. Remain south of the town of Victor, fly northbound, west of Highway 33, to avoid flights over Victor and Driggs. Remain at or above 2000 feet AGL as long as practical until de­scending to pattern altitude.

NORTHWEST over the Dry Farms, proceed directly to the airport. Remain at or above 2000 feet AGL as long as practical before descending to pattern altitude.

NORTH over Lamont, proceed directly to the airport. Remain west of Highway 32 and the town of Tetonia, at or above 2000 feet AGL as long as practical before descending to pattern altitude.


All Runways  |  All Aircraft Categories  |  Departure Only

Avoid flight operations between 2200 and 0700 local.

Right Traffic Pattern Runway 22

Avoid departing over the city of Driggs. Avoid flying over neighborhoods and subdivisions to the east of Driggs.

Runway 22: Turn right to a heading of 240° as soon as practical to avoid residential area. Continue climbing until above 2000 feet AGL, if possible.

Runway 4: Turn left to a heading of 360°. Avoid flying over subdivisions east of Driggs.

  Engine Runup

Avoid unnecessary and lengthy ground run-ups, particularly for runway 4 departures.

  Flight Training

DIJ has a flight school onsite thru Teton Aviation.
Website is tetonaviation.com

  Noise Ordinance

Pilots: Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures at all times.

Thank you for working with us by adhering to the following procedures:

AVOID flight operations between 2200 and 0700 local.

Please observe this curfew unless an emergency exists.

Aircraft with a Gross Takeoff Operating Weight in excess of 12,500 pounds should not be operated before 7:00 AM.

Right Traffic Pattern Runway 22

Use best angle (Vx) for first 500 feet .
Then best rate (Vy) to achieve maximum altitude.
Intersection departures are discouraged.
Avoid shallow climbs and gain as much altitude as safely possible before leaving the airport environment.
Avoid flight over residential areas.
Pattern altitude: 7,231 light aircraft. 7,731 heavy aircraft.

Voluntary "Good Neighbor” policy, curfew on arrivals and departures AVOID flights between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. We ask that you respect this curfew. We limit hours of service and fuel to discourage night operations.

Southwest over Pine Creek Pass, remain west of Highway 33, overflying the Teton River to avoid flying over residential zones from Victor to Driggs. Remain at or above 2000 feet AGL as long as practical before descending to pattern altitude.

Southeast over Teton Pass, follow Highway 33. Remain south of the town of Victor, fly northbound, west of Highway 33, over the Teton River to avoid flying over residential zones from Victor to Driggs. Remain at or above 2000 feet AGL as long as practical before descending to pattern altitude.

Northwest, West of Tetonia, proceed directly to the airport at 45°. Remain at or above 2000 feet AGL as long as practical before descending to pattern altitude.

North over Felt, remain west of Highway 32 and the town of Tetonia, then proceed directly to the airport at 45°. Remain at or above 2000 feet AGL as long as practical before descending to pattern altitude.

Avoid departing over the city of Driggs. Avoid flying over neighborhoods and subdivisions to the east of Driggs.

Runway 22: Turn right to a heading of 240° as soon as practical to avoid residential homes. Continue climbing until above 2000 feet AGL, if possible. Right Traffic.

Runway 4: Turn left to a heading of 360°. Avoid flying over subdivisions east of Driggs.

Flight School Operations: When practicing maneuvers, avoid flights over populated areas and developments (Driggs, Victor, Tetonia, Alta). When conditions and traffic permit, the requested practice area is north of Highway 33 and west of Highway 32.

General Noise Considerations:
Avoid unnecessary and lengthy ground run-ups, particularly for runway 4 departures. When operating aircraft in Teton Valley, avoid flying over the city of Driggs, all neighborhoods east of Driggs, and the towns of Tetonia and Victor. Always fly at or above 2000 feet AGL in the valley until the descent to pattern altitude or landing configuration is required.

  Airport Contact Info

Name: Meredith Fox, Airport Manager
Phone: 208-254-2362 x2195
Email: mfox@driggsidaho.org
Web Address: https://driggsairport.org/
Noise Complaint Address: https://driggsairport.org/noise/noise-comments
Address: PO BOX 48
Driggs Idaho 83422

  AOPA Noise Awareness Steps (Not Applicable)

Not applicable.

  NBAA Procedures (Not Applicable)

Not applicable.

Overview (None)


Temporary Information (None)


Mandatory Restrictions (None)


Images / Diagrams (None)


Preferential Runways (No Preference)

No preference

Preferential Instrument Procedures (None)


Reverse Thrust (No Restrictions)

No restrictions

Pattern Altitudes (None Specified. Refer to FAA A/FD.)

None specified. refer to faa a/fd.

Intersection Takeoffs (No Restrictions)

No restrictions

APU Use (No Restrictions)

No restrictions

Community Groups/Info (None)


Stage II (No Restrictions)

No restrictions

Stage III (No Restrictions)

No restrictions

Flight Track Monitoring (None)


Noise Monitoring (None)


Prior Permission (PPR) Operations (None)


Airport Maps

Airport Contact

Name: Meredith Fox, Airport Manager
Phone: 208-254-2362 x2195
Address: PO BOX 48
Driggs Idaho 83422

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Weather Data

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Airport Data

Elevation: 6,231 ft
City: Driggs, Idaho, United States
Sectional Chart: Salt Lake City
Flight Service: Boise FSS
Wind Indicator: Yes
Fuel: 100LLA